All You Need to Start Using Sous Vide

Sous vide cooking can look intimidating, but it’s a rather simple process, no more complicated than roasting or searing. With an immersion circulator, a pan or two from one of your favorite cookware sets, plastic bags, and time, you’re ready to begin.

The Immersion Circulator

The first item is also the most necessary: the immersion circulator. Also called a sous vide machine, this device circulates and heats water, keeping the bath at a consistent temperature. This cooks food precisely and evenly, leading to perfectly cooked food. It basically turns cooking into a more exact science: a certain temperature, for a certain time, with exact control.

Containers for Sous Vide Cooking

You have a couple of options for containing the water. Polycarbonate containers meant solely for sous vide are available and are perfect for larger food items or cooking multiple things at once. Because they are plastic, they also don’t suck as much heat out of the bath compared to metal pots, allowing for better temperature regulation. However, a large pot like a stockpot or a Dutch oven can also hold the bath.

Vacuum Bags and a Vacuum Sealer

Sous vide is French for “under vacuum.” To most effectively cook food sous vide, you need vacuum-sealable bags to hold the food and keep it secure. These are good for high-temperature cooking and can be kept sealed after the food is finished for easy storage. You’ll also need a vacuum sealer to properly seal the bags. Getting all of the air out and attaining a perfect seal is vital to the process. For certain liquid-heavy meals, you can also use specially made zip bags. Just make sure your bags are BPA-free.

Bag Clips to Keep Food Secure

Sturdy metal bag clips (plastic need not apply) can keep the plastic bags attached to the edge of the container, keeping them submerged.

Cookware for Searing

After taking the food out of the bath, it’s time to add finishing touches. Boneless, skinless chicken is ready for eating, as are vegetables. However, using sous vide means no Maillard reaction and no tasty brown crust. Meats like steak need a sear for the ideal crispy crust. A cast-iron skillet or copper cookware both get hot enough to sear in a flash. Be warned that this should not take long, or you risk overcooking, losing out on the perfection of sous vide cooking. So make sure that the cookware is hot enough before adding the food.

Consider a Hack: Ping Pong Balls for Temperature Control

If you are cooking for longer than a few hours, consider adding a layer of ping pong balls on top of the bath. This will help fight evaporation and add insulation, helping with heat regulation, and making your immersion circulator’s job easier. Without the ping pong balls, long-term cooking can lead to enough evaporation that the immersion circulator will automatically turn off.

Tongs for Handling Hot Food

Use a good pair of tongs for retrieving your food from the bath. Some recipes call for using mason jars instead of bags, and tongs are essential to retrieve the jars. After extracting, your food is cooked and ready to eat.

About CHEFS Catalog

Since 1979, CHEFS Catalog has offered the highest quality equipment to the culinary world, from professional chefs to home cooks. CHEFS Catalog’s collections provide practical kitchen solutions with bakeware sets, appliances, cutlery, recipes, advice, and more. With a passion for all things culinary, they understand the need for durable, reliable kitchenware. They started out as a premier commercial catalog, featuring Julia Child on an early cover. In 2017, CHEFS Catalog transformed into the go-to online source for quality cookware, bakeware, and accessories.

To get all you will need to start sous vide cooking, visit

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The History of Knives in the Kitchen

Knives have a long history in the kitchen and were one of the first true utensils to appear at mealtimes. Predating both forks and spoons, knives started as simple rocks, eventually turning into the chef knives we know today.


Knives originally date to prehistory, where stones were smashed together to form a sharp edge—a far cry from the modern blades, like Messermeister or Wusthof knives. Sharp rock fragments turned up in Tanzania and Kenya, dating back about 2.5 million years ago. Later, instead of rock-on-rock, a bone instrument was used to chip away at rocks to make axes and cleavers, as well as serrated edges.

Copper and the Bronze Age

Early metalworking involved bronze, an alloy of copper and tin. It was used not only to create kitchen knives but also weaponry as well. These copper and bronze knives were the first genuine knives. With the mass use of copper for bronze weapons, the metal became scarce enough to require an alternative.

The Iron Age

The next significant advancement came about with iron refining in the Iron Age. This metallurgy allowed for shaping molten cast iron with molds, including single- and double-edged knives. People in the Middle Ages in Europe carried short swords and daggers, often using these as knives at meals for cutting and spearing food.

The Modern Metal: Steel

Iron is a soft metal and prone to breaking if used too much. It also rusts easily. Neither are good qualities for blade edges. To counter this, metallurgists refined iron and added carbon, giving rise to steel and then stainless steel. Knife blades using steel were sharper, stronger, more durable, and resistant to corrosion and rust.

Cardinal Richelieu

The advent of blunt-tip table knives is attributed to Cardinal Richelieu of France in 1637. He was not pleased with dinner guests’ manners, as they picked their teeth with the tips of the blades. Instead, he offered blunted knives, the first instance of the modern table knife.

Solingen and Seki

The modern chef’s knife originates in Solingen, Germany, one of two major knife making centers in the world. Peter Henckels created one of the first knife making trademarks here. Meanwhile, in Seki, Japan, knife makers were taking cues from sword makers to create razor-sharp blades.

The 20th Century

The chef’s knife and santoku knife are now staples of the modern kitchen. Both can be found in a typical blade set, from a Zwilling J.A. Henckels collection or a Wusthof knife set. From paring knife to cleaver, serrated bread knife to nakiri bocho vegetable knife, there’s a knife for every job in the kitchen.

About CHEFS Catalog

Since 1979, CHEFS Catalog has offered the highest quality equipment to the culinary world, from professional chefs to home cooks. CHEFS Catalog’s collections provide practical kitchen solutions with bakeware sets, recipes, appliances such as the All Clad slow cooker, advice, and more. With a passion for all things culinary, they understand the need for durable, reliable kitchenware. They started out as a premier commercial catalog, featuring Julia Child on an early cover. In 2017, CHEFS Catalog transformed into the go-to online source for quality cookware, bakeware, and accessories.

For all your cutlery needs, visit

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Save Time and Money During the Week with Meal Prepping

Meal prepping—planning and preparing your meals ahead of time—can save you both time and money while helping you eat healthier. It may seem daunting at first, with up-front time and grocery commitments, but meal prepping is doable with only a few minutes of planning and some extra effort on the weekends.

Choose a Prep Type

Your first order of business is determining which meal prep type you want to use:

· Buffet style: Prep base ingredients and mix and match to create different meals

· Batch cooking: Cook a very large batch and portion out the leftovers

· Individual portions: Mason jar salads, overnight oats, sandwiches

· Assembling ingredients in advance: Preparing a meal for a slow cooker or instant pot but not cooking them until the next day

The choice is entirely yours and depends on how you want to eat. If you are fine throwing together ingredients after work and whipping up a sauce in your saute pan, go for buffet style. If you have little time to make lunch each morning, batch or individual portioning might be right for you.

Plan Out Meals

Next, plan out your meals. Find a recipe that suits your style and food preferences and determine what you will need. How much of a given ingredient will you need? Do you have enough bakeware to prep all the meals at once, or will you need to clean them between batches?

Planning out meals can help when it comes time to go grocery shopping. The shopping itself will take time, so plan efficiently in both meals and moving around the store. It can help to have an app that syncs between devices to make a list for easy reference. Alternatively, you can order online and have someone in the store collect the items, saving you more time. You will need to pick up your order at the store if delivery is not available. If you do shop at the grocery store, remember that the up-front time investment in shopping will save you time later.

Block Out Time

It’s time to prep the meals, which could take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. In the beginning, it might take you longer as you learn to multitask. You won’t want to start with prepping for the whole week: Start with just a few meals across breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Along with multitasking, saving time means trying to be as efficient as possible. A santoku knife can do most of the knife prep work, for instance, while pressure cookers can speed cooking times.

Invest in Proper Containers

The right reusable containers are essential for meal prep. They should be freezer-, microwave-, and dishwasher-safe. Popular options usually have lids that snap shut. Airtight containers can help ingredients keep longer, but most meals should be reheated within four days from the refrigerator. Stackable food storage will help save room in your fridge or freezer. Aside from containers, mason jars are a popular option for salads, soups, and oatmeal.

About CHEFS Catalog

Since 1979, CHEFS Catalog has offered the highest quality equipment to the culinary world, from professional chefs to home cooks. CHEFS Catalog’s collections provide practical kitchen solutions with bakeware sets, appliances, cutlery, recipes, advice, and more. With a passion for all things culinary, they understand the need for durable, reliable kitchenware. They started out as a premier commercial catalog, featuring Julia Child on an early cover. In 2017, CHEFS Catalog transformed into the go-to online source for quality cookware, bakeware, and accessories.

To browse all the cookware you’ll need for meal prepping, visit

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How to Keep Your Knives in Cutting Shape

Knives dull through use. It is an unfortunate constant in the kitchen, and blades will always need to be honed or sharpened. Thankfully, some methods make sharpening your knife at home a breeze.

Check Your Knife’s Sharpness with the Paper Test

Even the best knives will eventually dull. For example, chef knives, the workhorse of the kitchen, need to be kept sharp. Given how often they are used they are likely to dull more quickly than other, specialized blades. How do you tell when a knife is no longer as sharp as it should be?

Try the paper test. Take a piece of printer or copy paper and hold it at one end. Holding the blade at an angle to the top edge, slice downward. If the knife does not make a clean cut, it’s time to hone or sharpen.

Use a Sharpening Steel to Hone

Despite the name sharpening steel, the metal rod with a handle that comes with many knife sets does not sharpen; it hones. Honing realigns the metal of the knife, ideal for slightly dulled blades. Sweep the edge at a 15-degree angle along the rod to hone the knife.

Sharpen Your Knife with an Electric Sharpener

If the blade is more than slightly dull, it’s time to move on to sharpeners. The easiest method for the home cook is the electric sharpener. Spring-loaded guides ensure steady contact with abrasives spinning on motorized wheels.

Depending on the model, there might be multiple slots with differing coarseness, allowing you to control the amount of sharpening. Pull the blade slowly and smoothly through the slot, letting the machine do the work for you. Repeat until the edge reaches the desired sharpness.

Manual sharpeners are similar. They are handheld and without motors. Because of this, they cannot repair the same extent of damage an electric sharpener can.

Using a Whetstone

Whetstones are the most versatile knife-sharpening option, but they take practice to master. There are generally two sides to a whetstone, coarse and fine. However, unlike electric or manual sharpeners, there is no angle guide.

Western knives are typically 20 degrees, while Asian-style knives are commonly 15 degrees. Some whetstones require submerging in water before use. Draw the blade across the whetstone in a wide, circular motion while keeping the desired angle until the tip of the knife goes off the opposite edge. Particularly dull knives should start on the course side. Repeat the process on the fine-grind side.

Storing Sharp Knives

Storing sharp knives in a drawer will quickly lead to storing dull knives in a drawer, as they knock around and against each other. Instead, use a knife block on your counter to hold knives in place. If you need to save space in your kitchen, consider a magnetic knife strip to hang on a wall, which can store nearly any size of knife. If you absolutely must store knives in a drawer, use individual knife guards, usually made of polypropylene.

Blades should only need an occasional honing or fine-grit sharpening, but don’t leave it too long. Regular care will extend the life of the knife significantly.

About CHEFS Catalog

Since 1979, CHEFS Catalog has offered the highest quality equipment to the culinary world, from professional chefs to home cooks. CHEFS Catalog’s collections provide practical kitchen solution, from a beautiful copper cookware set to the sharpest cutlery, plus recipes, advice, and more. With a passion for all things culinary, they understand the need for durable, reliable kitchenware. They started out as a premier commercial catalog, featuring Julia Child on an early cover. In 2017, CHEFS Catalog transformed into the go-to online source for quality cookware, bakeware, and accessories.

To browse a wide array of cutlery, visit

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How to Take Good Care of Your Best Cookware

Correctly treating your cookware can make cooking and cleaning easier while extending the life of your pots and pans set. Some types of cookware have specific cleaning instructions, while others require prep before cooking any food inside. With proper care, your cookware will last for years, and in some cases, generations.

Copper Cookware

Scouring your copper cookware can damage the lining on your cookware set, especially if it’s a tin lining. Instead, wash copper pots and pans with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Cold water in a hot copper pan can warp the metal. If baked-on food is still a problem, soak the cookware in a solution of warm water and dishwashing liquid. Afterward, clean the exterior by polishing with a solution of white vinegar and salt or commercial copper cleaner.

Cast Iron Pans

For many years, the rule of thumb was cleaning cast iron with salt and hot water. Soap was never to touch the seasoning of cast iron, lest the taste of soap soaks into the porous surface. However, the has tide turned, and soap is now acceptable. It turns out that as long as a cast iron pan is well seasoned, the soap does not soak in.

You should season a cast iron pan before first use, and every once in a while. Brush all of the surfaces of the cast iron with a thin layer of oil, such as unflavored vegetable oil, and bake the skillet at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour. This creates a layer of polymerized oil, essentially making the cast iron nonstick.

Never put cast iron in the dishwasher, and do not use any scouring pads to clean the cast iron. Dry the cookware immediately, or it could rust after cleaning. After drying, rub with a thin layer of cooking oil and store the cookware in a dry place.

Aluminum Cookware

Aluminum cookware should not be cleaned in the dishwasher. Untreated or uncoated aluminum run through the dishwasher will speed up the oxidation process, leaving unsightly visible traces. Instead, wash the cookware as soon as possible after use (once it has cooled), and hand-dry it to avoid pitting. Use a soapy non-scratch scouring pad to shine the surface of the aluminum.

Stainless Steel Cookware

Let stainless steel cool down before trying to clean it. To avoid stains, wash stainless steel cookware with water and detergent as soon as possible. Scouring pads can scratch surfaces, making them more prone to staining. Soaking stainless steel cookware for long periods can cause mineral salts in the water to pit the cookware. Acidic food can damage the surface of stainless-steel cookware.

Nonstick Pans

While nonstick pans are among the few types of cookware sets that are dishwasher safe, you should instead hand-wash after it cools down. Use a soft sponge, such as plastic or nylon, with liquid detergent, or a paste of equal parts water and baking soda. To repair the surface, rub it down with a thin layer of vegetable oil and wipe away the excess, then leave it to dry—much like seasoning a cast-iron pan.

When cooking, use a small amount of fat, like butter or oil, before turning on the heat, and distribute the layer of fat evenly. Be sure to use only wooden or plastic utensils, as metal utensils can scratch the surface of cookware.

About CHEFS Catalog

Since 1979, CHEFS Catalog has offered the highest quality equipment to the culinary world, from professional chefs to home cooks. CHEFS Catalog’s collections provide practical kitchen solutions with bakeware sets, appliances, cutlery, recipes, advice, and more. With a passion for all things culinary, they understand the need for durable, reliable kitchenware. They started out as a premier commercial catalog, featuring Julia Child on an early cover. In 2017, CHEFS Catalog transformed into the go-to online source for quality cookware, bakeware, and accessories.

For all of your cookware needs, visit

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5 Great Housewarming Gift Ideas for the New Homeowner

If you’re worried about what to get new homeowners for their house, think about a theme of renewal and practicality. What might they have not replaced in a while? Or what’s something they might not have yet but that is incredibly useful? You could help ease the transition for them with a practical yet thoughtful gift.

The best parts about moving into a new house are decorating it and throwing a housewarming party to celebrate a new chapter in life. If you’re the one going to the party, here are a few ideas for welcoming your friends into their new home.

Set of Food Storage Containers

A set of high-quality food storage containers is a winning idea. It seems like it’s one kitchen essential that needs to be replaced or upgraded periodically because lids get lost, plastic melts, or food stains the inside of the container. A set that includes glass containers with plastic lids would make a really nice gift for new homeowners. Choose an aesthetically-pleasing set with hinged, snap lids.

Tabletop Spiralizer

Vegetable lovers will appreciate an indispensable tool that can turn carrots, zucchini, beets, radishes, cucumbers, and more into fun spiral shapes. Vegetable noodles are a tasty, healthy alternative to pasta. A tabletop spiralizer is faster and safer to use than a knife for creating uniform spaghetti-shaped noodles. It’s a great gift for anyone who is making an effort to eat healthier or who simply wants to experiment with veggie textures and food presentation.

Jelly Roll Pans

Sometimes recipes call for a jelly roll pan, which is basically a smaller version of a rimmed baking sheet. With a jelly roll pan, you can bake thin sheet cakes or sponge cakes, coat them with cream or jelly, and roll the cake into a cylinder shape. These compact pans are also suitable for roasting vegetables and baking cookies. Chances are the new homeowners could use new bakeware sets that include two jelly roll pans.

Copper Cookware

Copper is not only beautiful, but it also offers superior heat conduction and even heat distribution to maintain the purity of your cooking flavors. Designed for oven-to-table serving, everyone needs at least one piece of copper cookware in their collection of pots and pans. If a full copper piece isn’t in your budget, you could always choose a stainless steel Dutch oven that has a textured copper lid. It’s a beautiful and versatile statement piece.

Professional Kitchen Towels

A nice set of large utilitarian kitchen towels are handy and serve many purposes. They are lint- and streak-free, and made of durable cotton that can handle cleaning, scrubbing, and drying required in daily kitchen use. You don’t see a chef without a kitchen towel in a restaurant setting. If a splash of sauce runs off the edge of a plate, one quick swipe of the towel provides proper touch-up before serving the meal. Home cooks equally appreciate the versatility of these towels.

About CHEFS Catalog

Founded in 1979, CHEFS Catalog specializes in offering those in the culinary world, from professional to amateur, with the highest quality kitchen equipment. CHEFS Catalog aims to provide the finest and most practical kitchen solutions with a wide array of offerings, including cookware sets, appliances, cutlery, recipes, advice, and more. Beginning as a commercial catalog with Julia Child featured on an early cover, CHEFS Catalog has since evolved into the online source for quality cookware and accessories, launching a convenient e-commerce site in 2017.

Upgrade your kitchen with the exceptional quality of kitchenware CHEFS Catalog offers, at

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6 Items Professional Chefs Have in Their Home Kitchens

Honing the craft of cooking requires a home cook to examine their inventory of kitchen equipment. Is it time to get rid of your scratched skillet? Or get better cutlery, like Wusthof knives? It’s important to take stock because having the right tools will elevate the precision and efficiency of your dishes.

Knowing which essentials to have in your kitchen is helpful for anyone who loves to cook and wants to learn more. Professional chefs will tell you to select a few quality, choice tools. Here are six items pro chefs swear by, and that you should consider adding to (or upgrading in) your kitchen to get the most out of the cooking experience.

Favorite Chef’s Knife

Every chef has a favorite knife. Ask any chef and they will tell you they just can’t live without a particular chef’s knife. For many chefs, this knife is their 8-inch Wusthof because it’s a workhorse of a knife. You can get by on a few knives such as those found in a high-quality Wusthof knife set—or maybe a different knife brand entirely, such as Shun. Having at least three high-quality knives in your arsenal is a worthy investment.

Trusty Knife Sharpener

Dull knives are the worst, so it’s important to know how to take care of them in order for your knives to do their best work. To keep your knives in top condition, you’ll want a knife sharpening stone with different sharpening surfaces. Learning the fundamentals of knife sharpening will empower you to cut, slice, and chop with confidence.

Well-Loved Cast Iron Pan

You need several types of pans to cook with, but nothing beats a well-seasoned cast iron pan because they last forever, conduct heat like a champ, and can sear a steak perfectly. The versatility of a cast iron pan is unbeatable. You can fry a perfect egg, bake cornbread in it, and caramelize onions. If you have a lid, you can braise, simmer, and steam with your cast iron pan as well.

Quality Cooking Spoon

Does your sauce need salt? Taste it to find out. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get a great multipurpose spoon that’s invaluable in the kitchen. You use it to baste items in a pan, taste food, plate a sauce, serve delicate proteins, stir sauces, and more. Find a durable, stainless steel spoon that’s roughly 9 inches long for a truly versatile tool in your kitchen.

Handy Metal Tongs

If you do a lot of grilling, you need dependable stainless steel tongs to flip juicy meats and vegetables. Look for 12-inch locking tongs that allow you to securely grip food. If you are cooking inside, you want tongs that won’t scratch your pans, so look for tongs with silicone tips.

Versatile Immersion Blender

You might already have a regular blender, but an immersion blender is a convenient hand-held blender that can whip up smoothies, mix cake batter, chop up garlic and onions, and mash potatoes. It’s a handy tool for many quick jobs.

Some other kitchen necessities include measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls, a can opener, and baking sheets. Even the simplest tools can make the difference between mediocre and fantastic food.

About CHEFS Catalog

Founded in 1979, CHEFS Catalog specializes in offering those in the culinary world, from professional to amateur, with the highest quality kitchen equipment. CHEFS Catalog aims to provide the finest and most practical kitchen solutions with a wide array of offerings, including appliances like an All Clad Slow Cooker, cutlery, recipes, advice, and more. Beginning as a commercial catalog with Julia Child featured on an early cover, CHEFS Catalog has since evolved into the online source for quality cookware and accessories, launching a convenient e-commerce site in 2017.

Upgrade your kitchen with the exceptional quality of kitchenware CHEFS Catalog offers, at

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4 Top Kitchen Tool Upgrades Worth the Investment

Kitchenware can run the gamut from cheap and low-quality to very expensive and built to last. Many of these cooking items are investments for your kitchen. Upgrading to better quality kitchenware or appliances can save you time cooking, provide additional features, and become something to pass on to multiple generations of family cooks.


There are two routes to upgrading knives: getting new, specialized knives, or upgrading the quality of a knife you already have. Specialized knives like a santoku knife are perfect for chopping, slicing, and mincing, while a paring knife handles delicate tasks like cutting garnishes with precision. Knives meant for specific tasks can make all the difference when you’ve only relied on a chef’s knife to do most of your work. If you already have a variety of knives, upgrading quality, such as to a Wusthof or Zwilling J.A. Henckels knife—both world-renowned for their excellent craftsmanship—can significantly extend the longevity of the blade.

Air Fryer

If you’re still using vast amounts of oil to fry food, it’s time for an upgrade. Air fryers use significantly less oil than a standard deep fryer, sometimes not requiring any oil at all. Instead of using oil, super-heated air is evenly circulated in the air fryer, cooking all sides at once. The lack of oil means less fat. Air-fried food, as a result, is much healthier than deep-fried food, while still producing browned and crisp fare. Some of the best air fryers can serve as a multifunction appliance, toasting or baking food as well as frying.


Upgrading quality often means upgrading durability and the materials used to make an item, as well as its efficiency. If you prefer to bake casseroles and cookies, having exceptional bakeware is a must. With higher-quality materials, your casseroles will heat more evenly. A high-quality Dutch oven made of aluminum, for example, not only heats evenly but the best are also easy to clean up and dishwasher-safe. Properly taken care of, a baking dish can easily be passed on to the next generation of chefs.

Sous Vide

Old sous vide machines were big and bulky. When Chef Richard Blais used one on Top Chef, it was a revelation to many home chefs. Now, sous vide machines—also called immersion circulators—are widely available to the home chef. They are much smaller, can clamp on to any pot, and often come with features such as WiFi or Bluetooth connections. They work by heating and circulating water, keeping it at a precise temperature. While this approach can take longer than regular cooking, the wait results in evenly cooked food. It’s an easily repeatable method: Poached eggs and steaks at your exact level of doneness are a snap.

About CHEFS Catalog

Founded in 1979, CHEFS Catalog specializes in offering those in the culinary world, from professional to amateur, with the highest quality kitchen equipment. CHEFS Catalog aims to provide the finest and most practical kitchen solutions with a wide array of offerings, from your next saute pan, knife, or cookware set, to recipes, advice, and more. Beginning as a commercial catalog with Julia Child featured on an early cover, CHEFS Catalog has since evolved into the online source for quality cookware and accessories, launching a cutting-edge e-commerce site in 2017.

Upgrade your kitchen with the exceptional quality of kitchenware CHEFS Catalog offers, at

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5 Kitchen Essentials for Your Next Cheese Appetizer Party

With cheese as the star ingredient, hosting an appetizer soirée at your home this summer is bound to be a hit with friends. For inspiration, think air fried goat cheese and fig jam wontons, bite-sized cheesesteak sandwiches, three-cheese fondue, and a specialty cheese and charcuterie board.

After you plan your menu, the next step will be taking inventory of your kitchen. For smooth preparation accompanied by a wonderful presentation, you’ll want a few essentials to set yourself up for a successful cheese appetizer party. Here are five kitchen items any cheese lover can appreciate.

Guilt-Free Air Fryer

If you haven’t discovered the magic of the air fryer, it’s time. You can enjoy flavorful fried foods without feeling guilty. High-quality air fryers, such as one of the Cuisinart models, are specially engineered to ensure golden brown, crispy foods without tons of oil or a splattering mess. A great stainless steel unit complements any kitchen décor. Your air fryer will probably be the talk of your party, right behind how delicious those goat cheese wontons taste.

Gourmet Cheese Knife Set

Find a precision set of three knives made to cut soft cheese, hard cheese, and parmesan. A cheese knife set is especially valuable for preparing a beautiful cheese board or platter. For those who enjoy cooking, you can never have enough high-quality knife sets for the various tasks at hand.

Marble Serving Board

An elegant serving board adds a touch of class to your party whether you’re using it to serve artisanal cheeses, hors d’oeuvres, or snacks. A round marble board with an accent of teak wood is a beautiful piece to have for food presentation. To stand alone or serve food, a round marble board makes a statement on the table.

Copper Fondue Set

Dazzle your guests by presenting a handcrafted copper fondue set that’s designed for making gourmet-quality fondues, dessert sauces, and more. An elegant, heirloom-quality set allows your sauces and fondues to stay velvety smooth. A classic gruyere fondue will not separate because copper helps contain heat and moisture. A timeless copper fondue pot makes an excellent addition to your copper cookware set.

Bonus Item: Colored Stemless Glassware

Party guests will most likely expect wine to go with their cheese. If you do in fact plan on serving wine at your cheese appetizer party, make sure your wine glass collection is ready to party as well. A set of stemless wine glasses with pastel hues will not only look softly glamorous, but guests will also know which color is theirs. Of course, not all of your wine glasses have to be stemless or match, but you want everyone to feel special with glassware that makes a statement. Above all, enjoy your cheese (and wine) party with people you care about—and celebrate the joy of good food.

About CHEFS Catalog

Founded in 1979, CHEFS Catalog specializes in offering those in the culinary world, from professional to amateur, with the highest quality kitchen equipment. CHEFS Catalog aims to provide the finest and most practical kitchen solutions with a wide array of offerings, including chef knives, appliances, cutlery, recipes, advice, and more. Beginning as a commercial catalog with Julia Child featured on an early cover, CHEFS Catalog has since evolved into the online source for quality cookware and accessories, launching a convenient e-commerce site in 2017.

Upgrade your kitchen with the exceptional quality of kitchenware CHEFS Catalog offers, at

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4 Kitchen Tool Upgrades That Will Help Improve Your Cooking

Whether you have been lugging pots and pans around since college and now want a new cookware set, or are merely looking to expand your knife collection, upgrading your kitchen tools can help you improve your technique and make cooking easier. From a full new cookware set to completing a pots and pans set made with higher quality materials, to a pressure cooker that drastically cuts down on cooking time, these upgrades will help you reach the next level of cooking in your kitchen.

Copper Cookware

Not only will copper cookware add a touch of timeless beauty to your kitchen, but it will also heat quickly and evenly. It is the opposite of the other workhorse material of the kitchen: cast iron cookware. Cast iron heats slow and holds on to heat, while copper, as a conductor, heats quickly but loses the heat soon after being taken away from the stove. Copper cookware is ideal for fish, sauces, eggs, and other instances where overcooking in a still-hot pan is all too easy. It does share one important quality with cast iron: If properly cared for, a copper cookware set will last for generations.

Specialized Knives

The chef’s knife is among the most versatile of knives in the kitchen, able to handle a dizzying variety of jobs. There is little a good chef’s knife cannot do, and it is an absolute necessity in every kitchen. Specialized knives aren’t able to tackle as many broad tasks as the chef’s knife, but they carry out particular jobs remarkably well. Nakiri knives, for instance, can help you finely slice vegetables, while santoku knives are second to none for chopping, slicing, and mincing. A small paring knife can peel fruits and vegetables while handling delicate work like deveining shrimp.

Digital Meat Thermometer

Digital meat thermometers will give you the most accurate reading for meat, ensuring that your main dish is perfectly cooked. You will know precisely when your steak is medium-rare. There is no more relying on the old touch test; simply knowing the temperature will help you reach your desired doneness. With a digital oven thermometer, you can even keep the thermometer in the meat while it cooks, getting real-time readings. You’ll never overcook your meal again.

Pressure Cooker

Today’s pressure cookers are smarter and safer than the pressure cookers of old, and a valuable upgrade to any chef’s kitchen. Cooking time is drastically cut down by using heat and pressure, which also means better retention of vitamins and nutrients, without sacrificing taste. What used to take half a day will now only take an hour or two before it can be enjoyed. A bonus is that many pressure cookers can also be used for preserving food, specifically canning, either adding to your repertoire or making the task easier.

About CHEFS Catalog

Founded in 1979, CHEFS Catalog specializes in offering those in the culinary world, from professional to amateur, with the highest quality kitchen equipment. CHEFS Catalog aims to provide the finest and most practical kitchen solutions with a wide array of offerings, including cookware sets, appliances, cutlery, recipes, advice, and more. Beginning as a commercial catalog with Julia Child featured on an early cover, CHEFS Catalog has since evolved into the online source for quality cookware and accessories, launching a cutting-edge e-commerce site in 2017.

Upgrade your kitchen with the exceptional quality of kitchenware CHEFS Catalog offers, at

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